Thursday, March 01, 2007

A Commission Junction Surprise

Over the last couple of months, I kind of slacked off a bit on monitoring some of my less lucrative affiliate programs. Commission Junction had dropped off to under $100 per month and since I get paid from them each month, I didn't want to spend my "dial up" time waiting on the pages to load.

Well, since I'm having my Today Size Does Matter Party - I thought I'd take the time to check out some of the slower loading sites. Commission Junction was one of them.

WOW was I surprised when I logged on and saw that my current unpaid balance is $221.00.

I can't tell you how much some of these smaller payments help out through the month and when you find one that pays like clockwork and one that you don't have to constantly monitor for payment, it's so worth it.

I can't recommend Commission Junction enough! Especially since the product that has proven to me that SIZE DOES MATTER was listed and I'm now an affiliate for yet another product that I absolutely LOVE!

Click Here for Commission Junction