Sunday, July 16, 2006

New Website Helps Freelancers Find Jobs

A new website which aims to help freelance workers find suitable projects has already been attracting a large number of visitors.

Designed to match up freelance programmers, designers, photographers and writers with employers looking for freelance help, already lists projects in a number of sectors.

"As more and more people leave permanent employment in search of the flexible lifestyle and grater monetary rewards available to freelancers, there has never been a better time for companies and individuals looking for expert help to employ a freelancer," commented a spokesman for the company.

"The problem is that it can be very difficult for new freelancers to find work," added the spokesman. "Freelance programmers and designers tend to spend a large part of their day searching for projects to apply for, and the problem is compounded by the fact that employers often don't know just where to go to find freelance help." is the answer to that perennial freelance problem. Updates daily with new paying freelance positions, the site is an absolute must, both for those new to the world of freelancing, and for more experienced contractors who are looking for extra work.

There is no charge to use the site, and with job categories including banner design, C++, copywriting, data entry, engineering, graphic design, link building, web design and more, the entire world of freelancing is covered, making the site a one-stop-shop for anyone looking for freelance jobs.

Visit the site and start finding projects immediately at


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