Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Successful Blogspot Blog Scavenger Hunt

With so many people wanting to get on board with the blogging trend and wanting to start off with a free blog platform, I thought it might be fun to invite bloggers to partake in a little blogspot blog scavenger hunt of sorts.

I've personally seen several blogspot blogs out there that I would consider to be top notch blogs that provide unique and entertaining content as well as establishing themselves as a very profitable business.

I'd like to invite readers of Work at Home Mom to seek out those heavy hitter bloggers who host their blogs on blogspot or another free platform to be featured here and to serve as inspiration for anyone wanting to blog and needs an extra nudge but don't have the money to invest to get them started.

Criteria to consider:

1. Design and Layout
2. Content - quantity and quality
3. Ads and Ad Placement (are they using quality affiliates?)
4. What keeps you reading?
5. Check Google Page Rank and Traffic if possible.

Just to name a few --

As you submit these HIGH Caliber Blogs, I'll be posting them right here (along with your link as the submitter) for the world to be inspired:
