Monday, June 06, 2005 & Linkshare - Complaints?

There was a time, before I began tinkering with websites and blogs that I was just another girl on the internet. I had personal ads and a paypal account whereby I would order things off ebay and from time to time.

Over the course of that time, I found sites I believe in, enjoyed their services and in turn, once I had my own sites, I found that IF I were going to be discussing them in a positive light, I might as well make a dollar or two here and there. was one of the first affiliates programs I enrolled in. Quickly I began to see results and frankly enjoyed that bit of mad money I was receiving -- almost like clock work my checks would arrive month after month. Then, apparently came a "business" decision on the part of to partner with Linkshare. I followed their suggestion and transferred my affiliate links over to linkshare. Since March of this year, I have seen my statistics stay much the same while my commissions have seriously declined. It makes me wonder what's going on behind the Linkshare promise.

Apparently Match has had to pay $5,000 for the start-up and approximately $2,000 per month to have the affiliate maintained. Yet I wonder just how much of a "good business decision" that will be when myself and others like me get fed up with the Linkshare approach to NOT paying commissions or altering the actual numbers?

Frankly I am VERY disappointed in Linkshare and will, at the end of June remove all my affiliate links to them -- unless of course a miracle happens in their accounting department and someone figures out what the true stats and payouts are.

I welcome the views of others who have partnered with Linkshare as an affiliate. Complaints & Comments welcome regardless of which side you fall on.

Just my two cents!


Angela said...

I will be leaving linkshare once the final dime has been paid to me and not a red scent more.

I am slowly removing my affiliation with many of the merchants I signed up with.

I too have an affiliate account with and am very dissapointed in the lack of results since they switched to linkshare.

I used to get a check every month until they switched to linkshare. On May 31st I got a check for sales earned back in March!

On top of THAT a large percentage of what I am earning for Match is being taken by linkshare and I am not left with as much as before had not made the switch to linkshare.

I'm almost positive we are probably not the only ones unhappy with Linkshare.