Friday, April 27, 2007

Website Launches $1,000 Social Media Viral Article Competition, a free resource center for small business owners wanting to make money online, announced today that it is hosting an unprecedented on-line article writing contest.

The article popularity contest is designed to promote awareness of social media and its impact on small to medium sized websites. Social Media, an on-line technology and practice that people use to share opinions, insights, experiences and perspectives, has become extremely popular with most Internet users. Popular social mediums include blogs, message boards,, and vlogs.

According to founder, Joshua Watson, "The goal of our website is to educate small website owners and entrepreneurs about successfully making money online. As part of this initiative, we wanted to stress to our visitors the importance of social media websites and their possible impact on a small business. This contest will motivate our visitors to learn about social media and encourage them to use it on their websites to make money online."

Contestants are allowed to write about anything that interests them and can enter anytime before May 25th. The winning entry will be determined by its Social Media Popularity and will receive a prize of $1,000. Three runners-up will be mentioned on the home page of the website and will receive award certificates.


Anonymous said...

Very cool. Some of the articles that have been entered are awesome!